The following are a list of lectures presently available in CD-ROM format. Additional titles will be added as they become available.
Minimum order is any combination of ten CDs for $12.00. Additional CDs are $1.00 each. Shipping and handling is a flat rate of $4.95.
Additional CD
10 CD Package $12.00 Additional CD (after 10) $1.00
CD's to Order
Minimum order is any combination of ten CDs for $12.00. Additional CDs are $1.00 each. Shipping and handling is a flat rate of $4.95.
Additional CD
10 CD Package $12.00 Additional CD (after 10) $1.00
CD's to Order
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001 Alpha, Marianne, CV -- Parents, Teens and Chastity
002 Altier, Fr. Robert — Spiritual Warfare
003 Altier, Fr. Robert — St. Joseph as a Role Model for Homeschool Fathers
004 Anderson, Dr. Marie — Contraception: the Top 10 Unanswered Questions
005 Anderson, Mary Jo — The Homosexual Agenda: Its Philosophy and Agenda
006 Andres, Dr. Anthony — Church Teaching on Evolution and Creationism
007 Apostoli, Fr. Andrew, CPR — The Life & Spiritual Legacy of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
008 Baker, Rev. Kenneth, SJ — Pope JPII's Teachings on the Moral Life in His Encyclical Veritatis Splendor
009 Bellet, Dr. Bill and Marie - Characteritics of a Strong Family
010 Bellet, Dr. Bill and Maria — Strong Family and Virtuous Children
011 Benestad, Prof. Brian — Do Catholics Know Anything about the Social Teachings of the Church?
013 Blewett, John — A Call to Catholic Action
014 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian — Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
015 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian - The Lay Vocation
017 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian — The Role of the Catholic Family in Civil Society
018 Cameron, Nigel, PhD — Bioethics and Respect for Life
022 Chervin, Ronda — Marriage, the Long-term View
023 Cumbie, Michael --The Salvation Controversy
024 Cvetkovich, Dr. Loma — Women and Chuch Teaching on Procreation: Toward a True Feminism
025 Daly, Mary — Creator and Creation: The Catholic View of Science
026 Denton, Adm. Jeremiah — The Steady Moral Compass: Principles of True Leadership
027 Doerflinger, Richard, MA -- Assisted Suicide
028 Doerflinger, Richard, MA — Cloning
029 Dreishbach, Fr. Albert — Shroud of Turin
030 Droleskey, Dr. Thomas — Our Duties as Catholic Citizens
031 Egan, Fr. James — The Unique Role of Fatherhood
032 Fessio, Rev. Joseph, SJ. — Raising our Moral Standards, The Catholic Family Role
033 Fillice, Fr Francis — The Relationship Between Faith and Science
034 Fitzgerald, Rev. Kevin, SJ.— Will Stem Cell Technology be good for us?
038 Hardon, Fr. John, S.J. —- The Theological Proofs of the Real Presence of Christs in the Eucharist
039 Harvey, Fr. John -- Restoring Sacredness to Sexuality
041 Hayden. Christine — The Emotional Life and Virtue in Married Life
042 Hiland. Fr. Gerald — NFP Teachers, Pre-Cana and Co-habitation
043 Hirsch, Fr. Joseph — Confession, The Mercy of the Father
044 Hitchcock, Dr. James — The Future of Christianity
045 Jernejcic, Fr. Timothy — The Miracle of Confession
046 Johnston, George Sim — Did Darwin Get It Right: Catholics and The Theory of Evolution
047 Kahlenborn, Chris, MD — Emergcncy Contraception
054 Lauer, Al — Developing a Family Prayer Life
055A LeBar, Fr. James — Exorcism in the Modem World - Part One
055B LeBar, Fr. James — Exorcism in the Modem World - Part Two
056 Lynch, Dan - Our Lady of Guadalupe
059 Martini, Rev. L.m., O.P. — The Homosexual Question
060 May, Prof. William — Marriage in the Age of Birth Control and Dissent
065 McKenns, Sister Briege --Signs and Miracles by the Power of the Holy Spirit
066 Mullady, Rev. Brian — Priesthood of the Laity
067 Myers, Fr. Rawley — Mary Our Great Hope
068 Myers, Fr. Rawley — The American Saints
069 Nell, Marcia — Getting Started in Home Schooling
070 Neumayr, Catherine — How to Motivate Your Teens to Chastity
071 Nicolosi, Dr. Joseph — Homosexuality its Cause and Treatment
072 O'Donnel, Dr. Timothy -The Laity and the Church Militant
073 Pavone, Fr. Frank — How to Talk to Those Who Disagree with us
074 Pavone, Fr. Frank - This is my Body
075 Perrone, Fr. Edward — The Role of Art and Sacramentals in the Catholic Home
076 Peters, Robert — A Christian Perspective on Pornography
077 Peters, Robert, — Reversing the Floodtide of Hardcore Pornography
078 Rego, Fr. Richard --Development of Conscience and Morality
079 Rice, Charles --Natural Law
080 Shea, Mark — Eucharist and an Evangelical
082 Sippo, Dr. Arthur C. — Who Were the Reformers?
083 Sirico, Fr Robert - Prudence and Politics, Sanctity and Action
085 Stenson, James B. — Forming Children in the Holy Spirit and Virtue
086 Pts I & II Stenson, James B. — Moral and Religious Upbringing of your children
087 Sungenis, Robert — Answering the Top 10 Common Objections about the Catholic Faith
088 Taillon, Fr. Marcel — Marriage: A Sacrament of Service
089 Thomas, Fr. Antoine — From Chastity to True Virginity for all
090 Unruh, Leslee — Abstinence, Contraception and Teen Chastity
091 Unruh, Leslee -- Raising Virgins
092 Valieur, Rick, Dr. — Catholic Fatherhood
093 Valieur, Rick, Dr. — Marriage, Love, and Communication
094 Vogrinc, Mary — Walking with the Blessed Mother
095 Von Hildebrand, Dr. Alice --The Gift of Femininity
096 Vota, Fr. Paul Mary — Reverence at Mass
097 Walkins, Fr... Mark — Fostering Vocations in Your Family
098 Weigel, George — Witness to hope: Pope. John Paul II
099 Wellborn., Amy - Keeping Holy the Lord's Day in the Family
101 Wolfe, Anne McGowan — The Gift of Children
102 Zaleski, Fr. Daniel — Cornerstone of the Early Christians—Eucharist
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001 Alpha, Marianne, CV -- Parents, Teens and Chastity
002 Altier, Fr. Robert — Spiritual Warfare
003 Altier, Fr. Robert — St. Joseph as a Role Model for Homeschool Fathers
004 Anderson, Dr. Marie — Contraception: the Top 10 Unanswered Questions
005 Anderson, Mary Jo — The Homosexual Agenda: Its Philosophy and Agenda
006 Andres, Dr. Anthony — Church Teaching on Evolution and Creationism
007 Apostoli, Fr. Andrew, CPR — The Life & Spiritual Legacy of Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
008 Baker, Rev. Kenneth, SJ — Pope JPII's Teachings on the Moral Life in His Encyclical Veritatis Splendor
009 Bellet, Dr. Bill and Marie - Characteritics of a Strong Family
010 Bellet, Dr. Bill and Maria — Strong Family and Virtuous Children
011 Benestad, Prof. Brian — Do Catholics Know Anything about the Social Teachings of the Church?
013 Blewett, John — A Call to Catholic Action
014 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian — Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
015 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian - The Lay Vocation
017 Bruskewitz, Bishop Fabian — The Role of the Catholic Family in Civil Society
018 Cameron, Nigel, PhD — Bioethics and Respect for Life
022 Chervin, Ronda — Marriage, the Long-term View
023 Cumbie, Michael --The Salvation Controversy
024 Cvetkovich, Dr. Loma — Women and Chuch Teaching on Procreation: Toward a True Feminism
025 Daly, Mary — Creator and Creation: The Catholic View of Science
026 Denton, Adm. Jeremiah — The Steady Moral Compass: Principles of True Leadership
027 Doerflinger, Richard, MA -- Assisted Suicide
028 Doerflinger, Richard, MA — Cloning
029 Dreishbach, Fr. Albert — Shroud of Turin
030 Droleskey, Dr. Thomas — Our Duties as Catholic Citizens
031 Egan, Fr. James — The Unique Role of Fatherhood
032 Fessio, Rev. Joseph, SJ. — Raising our Moral Standards, The Catholic Family Role
033 Fillice, Fr Francis — The Relationship Between Faith and Science
034 Fitzgerald, Rev. Kevin, SJ.— Will Stem Cell Technology be good for us?
038 Hardon, Fr. John, S.J. —- The Theological Proofs of the Real Presence of Christs in the Eucharist
039 Harvey, Fr. John -- Restoring Sacredness to Sexuality
041 Hayden. Christine — The Emotional Life and Virtue in Married Life
042 Hiland. Fr. Gerald — NFP Teachers, Pre-Cana and Co-habitation
043 Hirsch, Fr. Joseph — Confession, The Mercy of the Father
044 Hitchcock, Dr. James — The Future of Christianity
045 Jernejcic, Fr. Timothy — The Miracle of Confession
046 Johnston, George Sim — Did Darwin Get It Right: Catholics and The Theory of Evolution
047 Kahlenborn, Chris, MD — Emergcncy Contraception
054 Lauer, Al — Developing a Family Prayer Life
055A LeBar, Fr. James — Exorcism in the Modem World - Part One
055B LeBar, Fr. James — Exorcism in the Modem World - Part Two
056 Lynch, Dan - Our Lady of Guadalupe
059 Martini, Rev. L.m., O.P. — The Homosexual Question
060 May, Prof. William — Marriage in the Age of Birth Control and Dissent
065 McKenns, Sister Briege --Signs and Miracles by the Power of the Holy Spirit
066 Mullady, Rev. Brian — Priesthood of the Laity
067 Myers, Fr. Rawley — Mary Our Great Hope
068 Myers, Fr. Rawley — The American Saints
069 Nell, Marcia — Getting Started in Home Schooling
070 Neumayr, Catherine — How to Motivate Your Teens to Chastity
071 Nicolosi, Dr. Joseph — Homosexuality its Cause and Treatment
072 O'Donnel, Dr. Timothy -The Laity and the Church Militant
073 Pavone, Fr. Frank — How to Talk to Those Who Disagree with us
074 Pavone, Fr. Frank - This is my Body
075 Perrone, Fr. Edward — The Role of Art and Sacramentals in the Catholic Home
076 Peters, Robert — A Christian Perspective on Pornography
077 Peters, Robert, — Reversing the Floodtide of Hardcore Pornography
078 Rego, Fr. Richard --Development of Conscience and Morality
079 Rice, Charles --Natural Law
080 Shea, Mark — Eucharist and an Evangelical
082 Sippo, Dr. Arthur C. — Who Were the Reformers?
083 Sirico, Fr Robert - Prudence and Politics, Sanctity and Action
085 Stenson, James B. — Forming Children in the Holy Spirit and Virtue
086 Pts I & II Stenson, James B. — Moral and Religious Upbringing of your children
087 Sungenis, Robert — Answering the Top 10 Common Objections about the Catholic Faith
088 Taillon, Fr. Marcel — Marriage: A Sacrament of Service
089 Thomas, Fr. Antoine — From Chastity to True Virginity for all
090 Unruh, Leslee — Abstinence, Contraception and Teen Chastity
091 Unruh, Leslee -- Raising Virgins
092 Valieur, Rick, Dr. — Catholic Fatherhood
093 Valieur, Rick, Dr. — Marriage, Love, and Communication
094 Vogrinc, Mary — Walking with the Blessed Mother
095 Von Hildebrand, Dr. Alice --The Gift of Femininity
096 Vota, Fr. Paul Mary — Reverence at Mass
097 Walkins, Fr... Mark — Fostering Vocations in Your Family
098 Weigel, George — Witness to hope: Pope. John Paul II
099 Wellborn., Amy - Keeping Holy the Lord's Day in the Family
101 Wolfe, Anne McGowan — The Gift of Children
102 Zaleski, Fr. Daniel — Cornerstone of the Early Christians—Eucharist